How to Write Anyones Result in Literarure Review
A literature review tin can be an informative, critical, and useful synthesis of a particular topic. It tin identify what is known (and unknown) in the subject field expanse, identify areas of controversy or argue, and help formulate questions that demand further enquiry. There are several ordinarily used formats for literature reviews, including systematic reviews conducted as primary research projects; reviews written as an introduction and foundation for a inquiry study, such equally a thesis or dissertation; and reviews equally secondary data assay research projects. Regardless of the type, a good review is characterized by the author's efforts to evaluate and critically analyze the relevant work in the field. Published reviews can exist invaluable, because they collect and disseminate evidence from various sources and disciplines to inform professional person practice on a detail topic. This directed reading will introduce the learner to the process of conducting and writing their own literature review.
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Directed Reading Article
Writing an Constructive Literature Review
Amanda Bolderston, K.R.T.(T), BSc, MSc, FCAMRT
Princess Margaret Infirmary, University Health Network, Toronto, Ontario
On completion of this directed reading commodity, readers should be able
1. Define the types of commonly used literature review
2. Discuss literature search strategies
3. Describe methods to critically appraise the resulting literature
4. Define means of synthesizing the evidence into a useful and rel-
evant review
v. Identify ways of writing a readable (and publishable) literature
*This article is a directed reading and provides the equivalent of
2 hours of continuing education that may be applied to your
professional person development credit system.
A literature review can be an informative, critical, and useful synthe-
sister of a particular topic. It can identify what is known (and unknown)
in the bailiwick expanse, place areas of controversy or debate, and aid
codify questions that demand further inquiry. At that place are several
ordinarily used formats for literature reviews, including systematic
reviews conducted equally primary research projects; reviews written as
an introduction and foundation for a research written report, such as a thesis
or dissertation; and reviews as secondary data analysis research pro-
jects. Regardless of the type, a expert review is characterized by the au-
thor'southward efforts to evaluate and critically analyze the relevant piece of work in
the field. Published reviews tin can be invaluable, because they collect
and disseminate show from diverse sources and disciplines to in-
form professional practise on a particular topic. This directed reading
will introduce the learner to the process of conducting and writing
their own literature review.
Une analyse documentaire peut eastward
ˆtre une synthe
`se informative, indis-
pensable et utile sur un sujet particulier. Elle peut identifier ce qui est
connu (et inconnu) dans le domaine, identifier les domaines de con-
troverse ou de de
´bat et aide a
`due east
´laborer des questions qui ont besoin de
recherche supple
´mentaire. Il y a plusieurs formats utilise
ment pour des analyses documentaires, y compris des examens sys-
´matiques mene
´s comme des projets de recherche primaires; des
analyses due east
´crites comme introduction et fondement cascade une e
de recherche, telle qu'une the
`se ou une dissertation; et des due east
comme projets de recherche d'analyse de donne
´es secondaires. Inde
pendamment du blazon, une bonne analyse est caracte
´e par les ef-
forts de fifty'auteur a
´valuer et a
`analyser de fac ¸on e
´e le travail
pertinent dans le domaine. Les due east
´tudes publie
´es peuvent e
ˆtre de tre
`due south
grande valeur pour recueillir et diffuser les preuves de sources et de
disciplines diverses afin d'informer la pratique professionnelle. Cette
lecture dirige
´e initiera l'eastward
´tudiant au processus de mener et d'due east
´crire sa
propre analyse documentaire.
The literature review has been called the ''Cinderella'' of re-
search, because information technology is frequently seen as the poor relation to primary
research, or the dull but necessary prelude to a research report
or proposal [1] . Yet, a skillful review tin excerpt new ideas
from others' work by synthesizing and summarizing previous
sources. New theories can be built from the evidence dis-
cussed, and new directions for future research can exist sug-
gested. A literature review can also facilitate the employ of best
available evidence in daily practice, by supplying answers to
clinical questions [2] . Literature reviews are also an ideal first
step into the world of publishing. All the investigator needs is
an initial research question, access to a literature database
(such every bit MEDLINE or CINAHL), and some basic evaluation
and writing skills.
Definition of Literature Reviews
Literature reviews are institute in many places and are written
for many reasons, including ''proposals for funding and for
bookish degrees, in research articles, in guidelines for profes-
sional and evidence-based practice, and in reports to satisfy
personal curiosity'' [3].
* Corresponding author. Radiation Therapy Department,Princess Margaret
Hospital, Room 5-969, 610 University Artery, Toronto, Canada M5G 2M9,
Tel: þ 416-946-4501; Fax: þ416-946-20nineteen.
Electronic mail address:
1939-8654/08/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.jmir.2008.04.009
Periodical of Medical Imaging and Radiations Sciences 39 (2008) 86-92
Journal of Medical Imaging
and Radiation Sciences
Journal de l'imagerie médicale
et des sciences de la radiation
According to Steward [i] , a good review should be:
Comprehensive: evidence should be gathered from all
relevant sources.
Fully referenced: allowing others to follow the path of the
writer to the newspaper's conclusion.
Selective: using appropriate search strategies to find the
key evidence.
Relevant: focusing on pertinent data.
A synthesis of fundamental themes and ideas.
Balanced: between different ideas and opinions.
Critical: in its appraisal of the literature.
Belittling: developing new ideas and understandings
from the evidence.
A literature review tin can provide a concise examination and
discussion of evidence in a item surface area. When looking for
a quick overview of a topic, published review articles can cover
a wide range of subject thing at various levels of consummate-
ness and comprehensiveness based on analyses of literature
that may include inquiry findings [4] . Above all, the author
should provide readers with a clear movie of the subject
and its associated range of perspectives and opposing views
and avoid presenting ''dry out and impenetrable lists of poorly
debated facts, randomly selected and referenced'' [4].
Annotated bibliographies and literature reviews have some
similarities. As with the literature review, an annotated bibli-
ography is an account of the enquiry that has been carried out
in a given surface area. However, an annotated bibliography is normally
just a listing of relevant sources with an accompanying brief sum-
mary. Sometimes the annotated bibliography will contain an
assessment of the sources' value or relevance, but there is no
attempt to synthesize the various sources into a coherent con-
clusion reflecting the author's opinion, as is usual in a litera-
ture review.
Types of Literature Reviews
There are several usually used formats for literature re-
views that will be discussed in brief. Even so, this article volition
concentrate on the literature review as a secondary information anal-
ysis leading to a publishable piece of work.
Systematic Reviews
The systematic review is related to the meta-analysis, which
is an attempt to quantitatively condense the results from sev-
eral papers into a unmarried statistic [5] . Creating a systematic re-
view allows for increased ability and precision in estimating
furnishings and risks. In addition, the systematic review is an in-
valuable practise tool. Big quantities of information tin can
be evaluated and synthesized into a shorter document. This
allows clinicians to keep beside of new developments without
having to runway down and read several long reports. Organiza-
tions or policy makers can use systematic reviews to help for-
mulate guidelines to promote the use of best show in
practice [six].
The Cochrane Collaboration is mayhap i of the all-time-
known proponents of systematic reviews designed to reply
clinical questions nearly the effectiveness of treatments. For
case, the Cochrane review on interventions for relieving
the pain and discomfort of screening mammography exam-
ined seven randomized controlled trials involving 1,671
women [vii] . Amidst other things, the report concluded that
giving women written or verbal data about the proce-
dure earlier the mammogram could reduce their pain or
Secondary Data Assay Projects
This type of review is a enquiry project in its ain right
and therefore should be conducted with appropriate rigour.
The secondary information review can be undertaken whether there
is petty known about a subject or where there is a wealth of
information available. Either mode, the researcher should brainstorm
with a clear statement of purpose or a research question [1].
The approach to organizing and analyzing the information acquired
in the secondary data search is more qualitative in nature
and the material is oft organized by theme.
Introduction to a Primary Research Topic
The literature review is used to set the scene for a primary
research topic and therefore tin can be fairly concise. This prelim-
inary evaluation should also serve to convince the reader that
the researcher has considered the previous published work on
the topic and that the new research they have conducted is im-
portant and adds to this body of noesis. The argument
moves from a broad and general appraisal to a more specific
exam of the pertinent issues [8] . This sort of review
is essential to introduce the study and provides a foundation
for the author to formulate a give-and-take of the results.
The Steps of the Literature Review
Although these steps are presented hither in a adequately linear
way, the completion of the review frequently follows a somewhat
complex path. The search (or search results) may need to
be revisited several times during topic option. In addition,
the search is ofttimes revisited as the review develops and new
areas of relevance are identified [9].
Starting Out
The most important preliminary determination for potential
authors is determining why they are performing a literature
review, because this volition influence the approach taken. Is the
finish result to be a publishable research paper, part of a depart-
mental report, an attempt to establish standards and guidelines
for practise, the prelude to a thesis/dissertation, or a personal
undertaking to solve a pressing practise question? Is there
a choice in the topic or is the area of interest already
Assuming the authors would like to disseminate their work
in a journal and they are fairly free to choose a subject that
interests them, one of the first steps should exist a preliminary,
A. Bolderston/Periodical of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 39 (2008) 86-92 87
fairly superficial search in the relevant expanse. This will ascertain
whether in that location is already enough published literature to pro-
vide a solid base for the review.
The second footstep is to define the focus of the review. Often
the difficulty is not the topic selection, but narrowing the fo-
cus of the review downwards to a manageable size. For example, the
topic of fatigue in people with cancer would yield a vast quan-
tity of information, whereas examining the utilise of practice as
an intervention to relieve fatigue symptoms in radiation ther-
apy patients would reduce the field considerably. The ques-
tion, search strategy, and criteria for excluding studies from
the review are decided before conducting the literature search
and should all be explicitly defined in the ''Methods'' section
of the final commodity [10].
Keywords are the words used to find relevant and useful
material during the search. The keywords chosen for the
search are important, as they are ''the cornerstone of an effec-
tive search'' [9] . Before starting, it is important to consider all
possible words that might chronicle to the topic. This includes
synonyms and alternate terms (for example, the word renal
is an alternate term for kidney). Spelling is as well worth consid-
ering; a search for ''hematology'' may exclude Canadian or
British articles (where the term used may be ''haematology'').
Some databases let truncation (using function of a give-and-take), Bool-
ean searching (for expanding, joining, or excluding fundamental-
words), and other functions to refine and focus a search.
Searches tin can be restricted by other factors such as the linguistic communication
of the publication, full text but, review papers but, year of
publication, and so on. It is worth exploring the online sup-
port options of the database y'all are using, because many da-
tabases incorporate information on the useful search features
bachelor, or even offer online tutorials.
Nigh databases apply a so-called controlled vocabulary to
establish common search terms (or keywords). This ensures
a consistent manner of retrieving information that may utilize differ-
ent terminology for the same concept. The National Library
of Medicine's preferred list of terms is called Medical Subject
Headings (or MeSH terms) [11] . This continually updated
list of more 19,000 terms is used by numerous health
organizations, databases (including MEDLINE), and medical
libraries to index data. Familiarity with MeSH terms
and their employ volition facilitate keyword pick and the resulting
database searches.
Searching the Literature
Spending time planning the search strategy is important,
because a well-conducted search will identify the relevant ar-
ticles and texts and ultimately yield higher quality work. It is
across the scope of this article to offering more than a brief
overview of the process. However, there is a plethora of infor-
mation readily available on conducting effective literature
searches (Effigy 1 ). I invaluable source of information is
your local medical librarian or information specialist who
may offer tutorials on searching medical databases or person-
alized help with literature searches. The writer should
keep track of the search strategy to ensure the procedure is
rigorous, explicit, and comprehensive [ix] . The strategy tin
be communicated in the ''Methods'' department of the published
article; this allows readers to follow the author'southward class of
The authors must decide on the bailiwick that all-time covers
their surface area of involvement. The most obvious for medical radiation
technologists and therapists would be the medical radiation
sciences, and would include journals such equally the Journal of
Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences, Radiography or Radio-
logic Technology. However, relevant information may exist institute
in other disciplines such every bit nursing, medicine, other allied
health professions, psychology, sociology, and instruction.
Well-nigh literature searches today are electronic, considering many
health centre or hospital libraries accept evolved from reposito-
ries of journals and texts into information centres staffed by
expert librarians or information specialists. All the same, books
can provide useful information in certain topic areas. It is
worth begetting in listen that some texts can go speedily
outdated, and periodical manufactures may comprise more than recent infor-
mation. The Internet is also a source of information that tin
be accessed. Intendance must be taken when appraising Web sites
for accuracy of information, because much of the material is
unregulated. Wikipedia [12] , for case, is a popular source
of data and contains more than 2 million manufactures.
However, the content can be edited by anyone; thus, reliabil-
ity is an issue. In that location are many reputable health Spider web sites that
can be accessed; some via gateways that screen each listed site
for quality (Table one).
The ''grey'' literature is defined as whatsoever cloth that is non
commercially published, and therefore not searchable using
electronic databases. Grey literature can also include confer-
ence proceedings, dissertations, theses, government informa-
tion, and commission reports. The importance of accessing
this type of information will vary according to the blazon of lit-
erature review beingness written. Information technology has been suggested that these
types of sources are only required for Chief's level work and
across [13] . However, grey literature may be an of import
source of information for the emergent disciplines of the
Brettle, A., & Gambling, T. (2003) Needle in a haystack? Effective
literature searching for research. Radiography 9, 229–236.
Marshall, G. (2005) Critiquing a research article. Radiography 11, 55– 59.
Hart, C. (2001) Doing a literature search: a comprehensive guide for
the social sciences. London: Sage.
Fink, A. (2004) Conducting research literature reviews: from the
cyberspace to paper. 2nd ed. London: Sage.
Doing quality literature searches. Yale University School of Medicine.
The University of Sydney. Information literacy - Doing a Literature
National Library of Medicine Medical Field of study Headings (MeSH) Index
http://world wide
Figure ane. Selected Searching and Appraising Resources.
88 A. Bolderston/Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 39 (2008) 86-92
medical radiations sciences. For case, pertinent material
may simply be available as posters or presentations delivered
at conferences (published merely in the conference syllabus) or
as articles published in journals that are not indexed in the
major databases [14].
As articles come to lite, accurate references and notes
must be kept. There are several methods of capturing refer-
ences. One of the easiest is to cut and paste the information
into a Word certificate to be appended to the finished article
equally a reference list. References can as well be written onto index
cards with a summary of the commodity's key points. Equally an alter-
native, there are several reference management software pack-
ages commercially available such as EndNote, Reference
Manager, and ProCite. The reference style to be used will
vary from journal to periodical, although the American Medical
Clan fashion used by PubMed and MEDLINE is fairly
In addition to literature captured by the initial database
search, the reference lists of the articles found can be scanned
for more manufactures that may take been missed. It should be
adequately obvious who the experts are in the area of interest; it
may besides exist worthwhile doing some other search using their
names for further information. Depending on the subscrip-
tions held past the organization, some of the articles discovered
through the databases may be available for complimentary download. If
this is not the case, the article may be available for interlibrary
loan or in difficult copy locally. Sometimes colleagues with uni-
versity affiliations may be able to admission hard-to-source infor-
mation through university libraries.
There is some debate about relevant and recent research
dates being included in literature reviews [15] . It is generally
acknowledged that recent literature is the near electric current,
although it is important to include any seminal work in the
field using the original primary sources regardless of the dates
of the original research.
Appraising the Literature
The ability to critically appraise literature and weigh the
evidence is central to the tenets of evidence-based patient
care, which is i of the principal driving forces behind health
intendance today [xvi] . A literature review, when done well, can aid
practitioners sift through the vast amounts of published infor-
mation and assist in their clinical decision-making.
When reviewing the literature, it is best to concentrate on
primary evidence rather than secondary evidence when possi-
ble. Primary prove is original research such as clinical trials,
studies, or statistical reports. Secondary prove includes ar-
ticles in which the writer reports on original research or data
(such every bit a literature review). Including mainly primary evi-
dence ensures that the reader can interpret the original evi-
dence for herself or himself and eliminates potential bias or
inaccuracies from second-hand reports of other people's
work [17].
Literature is by and large categorized according to the per-
ceived forcefulness of the evidence it contains; thus, the review
should discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the articles
reviewed. In that location are many standard methods bachelor for
systematizing this process, mainly based on quantitative
research show. For example, the Centre for Evidence
Based Medicine's comprehensive ''Levels of Bear witness'' tool
[18] stratifies studies into x levels from the highest brownie
(a homogenous systematic review) to the lowest (a slice
Tabular array 1
Electronic Sources of Data
Database URL Characteristics
PubMed The National Library of Medicine'south free search service. Available through the World wide web.
Rapid updates of published textile.
Some free full text material.
MEDLINE world wide Contains abstracts and references from 1966 to the nowadays.
Combines more than than three,900 medical and nursing journals into a single database.
Includes Canadian Journal of Medical Radiation Technology, Radiography and Radiologic
Engineering science.
CINAHL The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health contains abstracts and references from
1966 to the present.
Equally well as more than than one,700 journals, CINAHL provides access to wellness care books,
dissertations, selected conference proceedings, standards of professional practise, and
educational software.
Show-based Databases
Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews Includes full text of the regularly updated systematic reviews of the effects of healthcare prepared
by The Cochrane Collaboration.
Costless summaries are available; the full version is subscription simply.
BMJ Clinical Evidence world wide The British Medical Journal 'southward online determination-support resources describing the best available
evidence from systematic reviews, randomised controlled trials, and observational studies.
Health Information Gateways
Health on the Net Non-profit, not-governmental organization, accredited to the Economic and Social Council of
the Un for patients and health care professionals.
National Library for Health world wide web.library.nhs.great britain Funded by the United kingdom's National Health Service for patients and health care professionals.
A. Bolderston/Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiations Sciences 39 (2008) 86-92 89
expressing adept stance without explicit critical appraisal).
These tools can be useful for grading testify, but promul-
gate the notion that the randomized controlled trial is the
gold standard against which all other forms of research should
exist compared [one].
In reality, the evidence being sifted for a literature review
volition usually cover a broad variety of published material from
descriptive articles with little discussion or analysis to review
manufactures that summarize and evaluate research. Information technology may also in-
clude reports of completed research and fifty-fifty single-writer
opinion pieces. To complicate things further, the results of
the search tin comprise data from both peer-reviewed
and non–peer-reviewed sources. The peer review process in
respected journals is an indicator that the cloth is held to
a high standard. However, non–peer-reviewed articles can of-
ten add important information and should not be discounted.
As a rule of thumb, the literature resulting from the search
must be appraised in a fairly broad way and the appraisal
needs to be sensitive to the format of the publication. This
will let the author to weight the information from each
source for inclusion and contribution to the conclusions of
the final literature review.
Other questions to consider when reading the gathered
material include the following [19–21].
1. Does this chronicle to the question posed by the literature
2. Is the problem or consequence and its significance (scope, sever-
ity, relevance) conspicuously defined?
3. Could the problem accept been meliorate addressed from
another perspective?
iv. What is the research orientation (eg, quantitative, qual-
itative, mixed methods)?
5. Has the author fairly evaluated the literature, including
literature taking a position she or he does not agree
6. Does the author appeal to emotion or utilise rhetoric?
Does in that location seem to be an objective basis to the
7. Does the material add to the understanding of the field?
Is it useful for exercise?
8. In a qualitative written report, how transparent are the author's
methods and approaches? Is there an try to show
the trustworthiness of the results? This may include:
a. Triangulation: using more than one method of data
b. An audit trail: practisecumentation of decisions made
during data drove/analysis
c. Peer review: independent review of the themes by
team members or peers not involved in the enquiry
d. Member checking: interpretations of the data are
shared with participants
e. Data saturation: data are gathered continuously
until all themes are exhausted
f. Negative case analysis: looking for contrasting expe-
riences/examples to disprove emerging theories
9. In a quantitative inquiry written report, how good are the com-
ponents of the study pattern? This may include:
a. Sampling size and techniques
b. Are the results generalizable to a wider population?
c. Stated strengths and weaknesses of the study
d. Threats to the study'southward reliability and validity
e. Was the power of the study calculated?
f. Are at that place any obvious biases?
g. Are thursdaye conclusions validly based on the data and
the analysis?
Many reviews contain a summary table designed to nowadays
an overview of the articles discussed in the review and their
key findings. This can add together clarity and make the process of fol-
lowing the author's evolution of the review easier for the
reader. The headings of the table will depend on the purpose
of the review. For example, in a review of the literature per-
taining to radiotherapy for bone metastases and fractionation
schedules, McKee [22] presented the studies used co-ordinate
to appointment, written report size, fractionation schedule, and study conclu-
sions. McKee as well summarized the studies according to level
of evidence (ie, giving the highest weight to evidence from
randomized controlled trials).
In synthesizing the bear witness, the author will attempt to
bring together the material that has been presented. The
reader should trust that the bug have been represented accu-
rately and fairly and be left with a mental map of the territory
that allows them to explore previously unanticipated areas,
formulate their ain ideas and opinions, and decide where
they might want to travel to in the time to come.
Writing the Concluding Commodity
At that place are several proficient texts, online sources, or summary
articles that can provide further guidance for novice writers
(Figure 2 ). General advice on writing for publication usually
includes setting fourth dimension (and infinite) aside for writing, among
other words of wisdom. When putting the final commodity to-
gether, many writers find that their thoughts are non organized
in a linear fashion. Ideas tin be adult in different areas
simultaneously and and so reorganized in a later draft. Information technology has
been noted that medical radiation technologists and therapists
do non have a well-established tradition of research to reflect
on when writing for publication. This may brand the first
footstep into submission for publication quite daunting [23] .It
is therefore helpful to recruit the support of a colleague
who has experience in writing to critique the article as it is
being developed and to offer support.
The article will brainstorm with the ''Introduction'' section; this
will provide the framework for the reader by providing a brief
summary of the surface area of interest, the relevance to the reader
and the paper's intent. The ''Methods'' section will describe
the search strategy, including the databases used and other
sources of information explored. It will too include the key-
words used (including MeSH terms if appropriate), likewise as
the inclusion and exclusion criteria and an caption of why
these were selected.
90 A. Bolderston/Periodical of Medical Imaging and Radiations Sciences 39 (2008) 86-92
For the ''Discussion'' section, or body of the article, it is
easier to break the primary department up into thematic areas and
treat each area as a mini-review. This section tin likewise be or-
ganized chronologically depending on the focus of the review.
Each department should be as comprehensive equally possible. The re-
view should exist balanced and acknowledge controversies, un-
answered questions, issues of bias, and differing opinions. If
there is evidence, information technology should be emphasized and rated for its
quality. The important information from the article's thenurces
should be recapitulated, simply also synthesized by rephrasinthou the
significance of the work and relating it dorsum to the question
posed by the literature review [24] . Tables and figures can
highlight fundamental points in the text, and a summary table of the
references beingness discussed is frequently helpful.
The decision should answer the ''so what'' ques-
tiond namely, will this article change exercise or add together to the
word on the subject area? What should the reader accept
away from the review? Is there a theoretical framework that
can be constructed from the literature that would contribute
to do? Are there gaps in cognition that can be answered
by further research? The writer will refer back to the literature
and bring pertinent points to the fore. Key issues from the
review will be synthesized and reflected on.
It is oftentimes useful to look at examples of literature reviews
that have been published in the area of involvement or the target
journal. Yet, at that place are a few general points to bear in
listen when crafting the final commodity. It is important that the
writer keeps his or her own voice throughout the process;
therefore, quotations from other authors should be used spar-
ingly. More often than not, several drafts will be needed before the article
is finished. The peer-review process after submission to a jour-
nal will undoubtedly produce several areas for revision, but
hopefully these can be minimized with wise counsel. Normally
the author will have a specific journal in listen for submission.
Almost all journals take online style guides for authors. It is
well worth consulting this before writing upwardly the review, be-
cause the article may be returned if it does not follow the jour-
nal'due south format. Often the guidelines are very detailed and may
help the writing process past providing a framework for the
emerging article.
Withal the writing is carried out, the terminate result should
exist ''a skilful read. literature reviews should get the reader go-
ing!'' [i].
''Originality rarely means starting from scratch, merely looking to
expand that which is already known [25].''
A proficient review tin can exist an invaluable tool to the practitioner,
providing a succinct summary and assay of the pertinent
information in a given area. Equally ''discursive prose'' [xviii] , a re-
view can be enlightening, challenging, and readable. At that place are
many rewards associated with producing a useful piece of
work. A literature review can provide the fledgling researcher
or author with the first step into the rewarding earth of
It is hoped that this commodity volition encourage readers to inves-
tigate topics within their ain professional surface area of interest
and consider submitting their own literature review for
The author would like to give thanks Cate Palmer and Angela
Cashell for their generous help with editing this article.
[ane] Steward, B. (2004). Writing a literature review. Br J Occup Ther 67,
[two] Brettle, A., & Gambling, T. (2003). Needle in a haystack? Effective
literature searching for research. Radiography 9, 229–236.
[3] Fink, A. (2004). Conducting research literature reviews: from the inter-
net to paper, (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
[iv] MeSH headings. US National Library of Medicine. http://www.nlm. Accessed Feb 7th, 2008.
[v] Polgar, S., & Thomas, S. A. (2000). Introduction to inquiry in the
wellness sciences, (4th edition). London: Churchill Livingstone.
[6] Mulrow, C. D. (1994). Rationale for systematic reviews. BMJ 309,
[7] Miller, D., Livingstone, Five., & Herbison, P. (2002). Interventions for
relieving the pain and discomfort of screening mammography. Co-
chrane Database of Systematic Reviews result 4. Art. No.: CD002942.
doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD002942.pub2.
[viii] Morse, J. K. & Field, P. A. (1995). Qualitative enquiry methods for
health professionals. 2
edition. Thousand Oaks, CA; Sage.
[9] Timmins, F., & McCabe, C. (2005). How to conduct an effective lit-
erature search. Nurs Standard 20, 41–47.
[10] Gray, M., & Elation, D. (2005). Preparing a grant proposald function 2: re-
viewing the literature. J Wound Ostomy Continence Nurs 32, 83–86.
[eleven] Understanding medical subject headings (MeSH). McGill Health Sci-
ences Library. Available at
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92 A. Bolderston/Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences 39 (2008) 86-92
... The researcher identified four different databases, namely Scopus, Medline, CINAHL, and Google Scholar. The four databases were based on the number of articles they concord on public health topics such every bit e-cigarettes smoking and the quality of available manufactures (Bolderston, 2008;Onwuegbuzie, Leech and Collins, 2012;Bandara, Furtmueller, Gorbacheva, Miskon and Beekhuyzen, 2015). They have peer-reviewed manufactures, thus increasing the quality and reliability of the manufactures. ...
... The search keywords and phrases were replicated in the remaining three databases. This was to ensure uniformity for the obtained findings in the ILR search (Bolderston, 2008;Onwuegbuzie, Leech and Collins, 2012). In one case the search procedure was consummate, the next step was to determine the relevant and feasible articles for utilise. ...
- Tha'er Kanaan
- Nayef Alkhrasha
- Mahmoud Al-Masaeed
Significance and Aim: The effects of cigarettes smoking on both smokers and not-smoker accept been an effect of global public wellness concern. This led to the emergence of due east-cigarettes as an alternative to help smokers in their smoking quitting journey. However, it has remained unclear on the public wellness costs this has on the non-smokers. The ILR Review is developed to examine the public health the use of east-cigarettes have on non-smokers. Methods: The ILR sourced data from four databases Scopus, Medline, CINAHL, and Google Scholar. This was through a keyword search process using the 'e-cigarettes' or 'vaping' AND 'addiction' AND 'non-smokers' AND 'furnishings OR 'consequences, search phrases. The search protocol was replicated for all the databases. The findings from the search process were Scopus (419), Medline (283), CINAHL (311), and Google Scholar (321). The ILR applied inclusion and exclusion criteria and the Course model to assess the quality of the articles. Consequently, just 23 articles remained for analysis and inclusion in the ILR findings. Finally, the manufactures were screed through the EQUATOR PRISMA tool and extracted in readiness for analysis. Findings and Assay: The results demonstrate that the use of e-cigarettes has 2 leading public health implications on non-smokers, namely (i) the risk of new addictions and (ii) the risk of health-related illnesses. The findings affirm that the ease of accessing the e-cigarettes, the marketing craze, and the low cost of acquiring them has exposed a rising number of young people to its new addiction. The addiction could at times progress into tobacco smoking addiction. Secondly, the findings bespeak that second manus smoke exposure, also known as passive smoking exposes the public to increased lung cancer, lung diseases and COPD illnesses. Decision: The ILR concludes that e-cigarettes have far-reaching public health concerns on non-smokers. This necessitates the need for increased restrictions and control on the e-cigarettes admission and availability. This is in addition to enacting strict regulations on smoking areas and freedom.
... Tinjauan literatur dapat menjadi sebuah sumbangsih yang informatif, kritis, dan bermanfaat bagi dunia akademis dalam membantu mengembangkan rumusan pertanyaan lanjutan untuk penelitian di masa yang akan datang (Bolderston, 2008). Dengan kata lain, tinjauan literatur bertujuan untuk memperkaya wawasan baru mengenai pengetahuan tersebut dengan cara membangun dasar penyelidikan akademis (Xiao & Watson, 2019). ...
- Asti Prasetyawati
Era digital telah mengubah praktik kehumasan pemerintah menjadi humas digital. Berbagai informasi dan pesan formal resmi dari pemerintah kini dapat dikemas dengan cara yang lebih ringan dan menarik melalui berbagai platform media baru, salah satunya melalui media sosial seperti TikTok. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak dari pemanfaatan TikTok dalam menyosialisasikan konten-konten serius yang dilakukan oleh humas pemerintah di Republic of indonesia, khususnya oleh Kementerian Koordinator Bidang Kemaritiman dan Investasi lewat akun TikTok @kemenkomarves, dengan menggunakan metode observasi sekunder dan tinjauan literatur. Studi ini ingin menganalisis lebih jauh mengenai pemanfaatan TikTok dalam menyebarkan konten- konten serius yang dilakukan oleh humas Kemenko Marves. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan adanya dualisme dampak yang ditimbulkan TikTok dalam melakukan penyebaran konten humas Kemenko Marves. Meskipun penyebaran informasi melalui TikTok berpotensi dapat mereduksi esensi asli pesan, namun hal ini juga sekaligus menjadikan informasi tersebut menjadi dekat dan mudah dimengerti oleh masyarakat. Untuk itu, dibutuhkan adaptasi teknologi dan strategi humas digital yang tepat agar humas pemerintah dapat menciptakan konten-konten digital yang menarik dan diminati oleh masyarakat luas. The digital era has changed government public relations practices into digital public relations. Several official data and messages from the authorities could be formed in a lighter and more than attractive way through various new media platforms; ane of them is through social media like TikTok. This report aims to clarify the impact of TikTok in disseminating serious content carried out by government public relations in Indonesia, especially by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs and Investment through @kemenkomarves TikTok business relationship, using secondary observation and literature review methods. This study is intended to analyse further the use of TikTok in disseminating serious content carried out past public relations of Kemenko Marves. The results of this report indicate the dualism of the bear upon acquired by TikTok in transmitting Kemenko Marves public relations content. Although the dissemination of information through TikTok can reduce the original essence of the message, it also makes the information closer and like shooting fish in a barrel to understand for the public. For this reason, appropriate technology adaptation and digital public relations strategies are needed to brand the regime public relations create digital content that is attractive for guild.
... The systematic literature review (SLR) method is a method of literature review that identifies, evaluates, and extracts / sites research findings that are useful in answering determining research questions [48]. Bolderston [49] revealed that a expert literature review adopts several of import rules, such as: (1) is able to extract new ideas from previous research past synthesizing and summarizing previous sources. New theories tin can exist congenital from the evidence discussed and may provide new directions for future enquiry. ...
Industrial sustainability is an important attribute and becomes a parameter of the concern success. Quality improvement with an indicator of increasing procedure capability will affect productivity improvements and lead to industrial competitiveness and maintain industrial sustainability. The purpose of this newspaper is to obtain a human relationship between the consistency of the DMAIC phase to increment the sigma level in productivity improvement and industrial sustainability. This paper practical for a systematic literature review from various sources of trusted articles from 2006 to 2019 using the keywords "Six Sigma, Productivity, and Industrial Sustainability." A matrix was developed to provide synthesis and summary of the literature. Six Sigma approach has been successful in reducing product variation, defects, cycle fourth dimension, production costs, as well equally increasing client satisfaction, cost savings, profits, and competitiveness to maintain industrial sustainability. Extraction and synthesis in this study managed to obtain seven objectives value that found a consistent relationship between the DMAIC phase of increasing sigma levels, productivity, and industrial sustainability. The wide scope of Half dozen Sigma literature is very beneficial for organizations to empathize the critical variables and key success factors in Half-dozen Sigma implementation, which leads to substantial long-term continuous improvement, the value of money, and business.
... Uma boa revisão pode extrair novas ideias do trabalho de outros, sintetizando e resumindo every bit fontes anteriores. Além disso, novas teorias podem ser construídas a partir das evidências discutidas e novas direções para pesquisas podem ser sugeridas (Bolderston, 2008). ...
A infraestrutura rodoviária é um ativo chave de governos e economias em todo o mundo. Entretanto, bone impactos da mudança climática tais como aumentos na temperatura/ilhas de calor, fenômenos frequentes de congelamento e descongelamento, precipitação intensa e inundações, aumento exercise nível do mar e tempestades têm comprometido severamente sua integridade e segurança. Dessa forma, este artigo tem como objetivo realizar uma robusta eastward atual revisão da literatura para identificação east análise dos principais estudos sobre riscos e impactos da mudança climática na infraestrutura rodoviária. Além disso, é dada uma atenção aos métodos que podem ser aplicados para identificação de risco climático e às possíveis medidas de adaptação que podem ser empregadas para tornar a infraestrutura rodoviária mais resiliente. Bone resultados indicam que é necessário identificar a infraestrutura rodoviária que corre alto risco de ser afetada por determinado eventos climáticos (infraestrutura crítica) e considerar várias estratégias para tornar a adaptação mais eficaz ao seu contexto. Além disso, gerenciar esse ativo requer uma tomada de decisão eficiente por meio de um processo de planejamento participativo (refletindo assim o conhecimento e sugestões locais), bem como dados espaciais prévios para avaliar o desempenho da infraestrutura de transportes para a gestão rodoviária.
... Pada dasarnya, literature review terfokus pada pertanyaan penelitian, mencoba untuk mengidentifikasi, menilai, memilih dan mensintesis semua bukti penelitian yang memiliki kualitas tinggi dan argumentasi yang relevan dengan permasalahan yang akan dibahas [xiv]. Pembahasan dalam literature review ini diarahkan untuk mengatur garis besar pemikiran yang jelas tentang pemecahan masalah yang telah dirumuskan sebelumnya. ...
- Tukinem Tukinem
Penelitian ini berawal dari pendidikan anak-anak yang terkadang kurang diperhatikan dari sisi agama Islam. Hal ini Terkait dengan kebiasaan (akhlaknya) dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Orang tua hendaknya juga memberikan keteladanan dalam semua sisi kehdiupan, terlebih dalam membiasakan anak-anak untuk berakhlak mulia sesuai yang dicontohkan nabi Muhammad Saw. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tahapan-tahapan dalam mendidik anak dalam perspektif Islam. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah analisis kualitatif. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah mendidik anak dengan lima tahapan al-Qudwah (keteladan), al-'Adah (pembiasaan), al-Mauidzah (memberi nasehat), al-Mulahadhah (memperhatikan potensi anak), al-'Uqubah (memberikan hukuman). Kelima tahapan tersebut hendaknya dibiasakan sejak dini (dalam keluarga). Sebagai seorang pendidik (guru) hendaklah menanamkan kelima tahapan tersebut di lingkungan pendidikan (sekolah). Selanjutnya orang tua dan guru perlu mengenali dan mengetahu bakat (potensi) anak-anak sejak dini. Dalam memberikan hukuman (al-uqubah) hendaknya dengan prinsip-prinsip ajaran Islam. Fungsi hukuman adalah untuk mendidik dan wujud kasih sayang dari orang tua (guru). pemberian hukuman juga disesuaikan dengan usia dan perkembangan anak-anak.
... Boote & Beile, 2005;Bolderston, 2008; ...
Modern global challenges caused by the COVID-19 pandemic force economic entities to develop and implement new strategies for managing economic systems, and states to form new concepts and visions for the further operation and development of economic entities and mechanisms for overcoming the consequences of socioeconomic crises. Comeback of modern strategies and mechanisms of anti-crunch management of economic systems and social processes is incommunicable without the utilise of scientific approaches and applied tools for optimizing the resource provision of economic entities, the formation various models of public-private partnership, collaboration of various infrastructure entities and the creation of institutional associations. To ensure the effective development and implementation of new concepts, strategies and mechanisms for managing economic systems it is necessary to use modern information technologies and innovations, create competitive advantages past enhancing the resource potential of economic entities, and develop promising and export-oriented sectors of the economy. The purpose of writing this scientific monograph is to substantiate the theoretical and methodological foundations, the formation and comeback of new concepts, strategies for the further functioning of economic systems and the develop of organizational-economic mechanisms to overcome the negative consequences caused by the COVID-19 pandemic taking into account the changes and challenges in the modern world. The object of the authors' research was the process of forming and improving concepts, strategies and mechanisms for managing economic systems in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, mitigating negative consequences on the activities of economical entities. The subject of the research was socio-economic, organizational and institutional processes of germination and effective implementation of concepts, strategies and mechanisms for managing economic systems; maintaining the stability of the functioning of economic entities; development of digital technologies; implementation of the best practices for managing economic systems using global experience in various sectors of the economy acquired past the COVID-19 pandemic.
... dan memaknai strategic communication. Di samping itu, literature review juga dapat digunakan untuk mengekstrasi dan membangun ide-ide baru dari karya ilmiah (scientific journal) para akademisi dan teorisasinya tentang strategic advice yang kemudian disintesiskan dengan sumber-sumber lain yang relevan(Bolderston 2008). Karya ilmiah tentang strategic communication dari para akademisi yang digunakan sebagai sumber utama dalam artikel ini bisa ditelusuri dari edisi khusus International Journal of Strategic Advice yang diterbitkan tahun 2007 dan 2018, serta beberapa artikel yang relevan dengan masalah pembangunan teori stratergic communication dalam Handbook of Strategic Communication yang diterbitkan pada tahun 2014. ...
Strategic communication merupakan konsep dan kajian yang relatif baru dalam ilmu komunikasi. Sebelumnya, konsep strategic communication banyak digunakan dalam kajian militer dan ilmu pemerintahan terkait dengan internasional relations. Sebagai konsep baru, tidak mengherankan jika banyak perbedaan pandangan tentang makna strategic communication, terkait dengan posisi ilmu komunikasi, kesamaanya dengan public relations dan corporate communication, sampai paradigma yang digunakan. Artikel ini telah mengeksplorasi berbagai makna tentang strategic communication dengan tujuan memaknai strategic communication yang berbasis ilmu komunikasi dengan menolak sikap taken-for-granted sebagai bagian dari management strategy. Berangkat dari penjelasan tersebut dan dengan menggunakan metode literature review, strategic communication dimaknai sebagai proses komunikasi antar aktor dalam organisasi yang diwujudkan dalam bentuk interaksi yang saling memahami dan bekerjasama untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi dengan berbasis paradigma postmodernisme.
- Muhammad Fauzan Lubis
- Poppy Anjelisa Zaitun Hasibuan
- Hafid Syahputra
- Ririn Astyka
According to some studies, two-thirds of the world'due south establish species take therapeutic worth. Saurauia vulcanii (Korth.) is one of them. This is something that can be found in Indonesia. Traditionally, this herb was known every bit pirdot and was used to cure diabetes. This article examines the scientific activities of pirdot leaves as well as their rubber for usage. This study used a literature review article every bit its design. Searching for related publications using data from Pubmed, Proquest, Ebsco, ScienceDirect, and Google Scholar for the last ten years (2011–2021) yielded 141 articles. There are fourteen pertinent articles that explore their substance and application in health. The content of secondary metabolites that have been reported proves that pirdot has properties as an antidiabetic, immunostimulant, antidiarrhoea, anticholesterol, and hepatoprotective.
- Maria Alhadad
- Rosmini Omar
- Mohamed Dashti
The purpose of this newspaper is to explore the theories pertaining to the dynamics of contextual factors, technology paradox, and job performance of employees then every bit to answer specific questions related to the theories' progressive advancement, and to evaluate the relationships amidst them in the context of mobile phones, using the bear witness-based systematic review methodology. The term engineering science paradox has evolved over past decades, and theories have been postulated to explain its nature and relationships with its antecedents and outcomes; however, there is a dearth in the integrative models. Thus, the theory of paradox has been combined with other theoretical lenses to anticipate tensions and responses to enrich extant theories on applied science paradox and chore performance. The finding of the written report identifies vii research gaps in the bachelor literature, which need to be plugged and so that a holistic model is developed to address the interrelationships amid the aforementioned research constructs.
- Nusrhamira Afiqah Binti Mohd Shamsuri
- Anita Anita
- Liyana Syahira Binti Kamaruddin
- Nurin Auni Syauqina Binti Azhan
This research study aiming at identifying the sources of the ESL students' speaking anxiety in English speaking comprehension and identifying the strategies used by ESL students to overcome speaking feet in English form. This research used a qualitative approach that employed a instance study and gathrered the data through interviewing eight undergraduate students from a private academy in Shah Alam Malaysia. All the interview questions covered iii components, they were communication apprehension, fear of negative evaluation and test feet and the strategies that were used by the respondents to overcome their speaking feet. The data assay technique used was descriptive qualitative. Equally the upshot, the researcher institute that anxiety, usually felt by most second language learners contributed by some factors that came from the students and too from teachers. Therefore, to bargain with these atmospheric condition, both teachers and students demand to take part in contributing to what they can practice to eliminate the speaking feet. Since the success of learning linguistic communication mostly depends on the communication skills that definitely requires a lot of effort to make the learning journeying meaningful.
This paper provides an overview of qualitative research and highlights the benefits of a qualitative approach to research in the radiations sciences milieu. Qualitative research methodologies can exist used independently of, or to heighten, quantitative approaches. We draw attention to the process of generating a qualitative research question. In addition, we provide an overview of the purpose, benefits and drawbacks of the four main qualitative enquiry methodologies: interviews, focus groups, ascertainment studies and chart (document review), for you to consider for your next enquiry endeavour.
- Lisa Anne Ruth-sahd
- Cindy King
This manuscript volition assistance the novice writer with the publication process. This volition walk the prospective author through selecting a topic, searching the literature, following through with the submission of the manuscript and the editorial review process, and finally emphasizing the rewards of publication. Forth the way, helpful tips will be highlighted to raise your chances of getting your manuscript accepted for publication.
- Lucy McKee
Groundwork and purposePalliative radiotherapy provides pain relief for patients with painful os metastases. The practice amid radiations oncologists equally to whether a big single fraction is most constructive, or whether multiple smaller fractions are preferable in providing the quickest, most durable pain relief is inconsistent.
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