How Do You Know Raw Chitterlings Are Bad

pigs smiling

I can think of no other food more polarizing than chitlins. Chitlins, as well known every bit chitterlings, are fried or boiled pig intestines. In some circles, chitlins are a effeminateness with a rich cultural history. In other circles, chitlins are a polarizing source of marital discord during the holidays. As a black gastroenterologist, my take on chitlins is both nuanced and circuitous. Ultimately, chitlins are offal (notice the shamelessly placed pun). In this post, I'll break downwards the history, cultural aspects, and health concerns associated with chitlins.

My get-go exposure to chitlins

My earliest recollection of eating chitlins probably occurred during Thanksgiving or Christmas when I was iv or 5 years old. I vividly remember my grandmother opening a chitlin-filled bucket. Once the pungent odor wafting from the chitlins hit my nose, I thought someone clogged the toilet without the courtesy of closing the door and switching on the bathroom fan. The smell emanating from that bucket was across horrible. It was similar the chitlin bucket was a gateway to the underworld.

Their taste was a combination of umami, funk, and salt

I think my mother asking me if I wanted to attempt some. Against my ameliorate judgment, I tried a forkful with a smattering of Lousiana hot sauce. The chitlins had the texture of an egg scrambled hard. Their taste was a combination of umami, funk, and salt. I can't accurately put their sense of taste into words. Ultimately, I didn't think they tasted bad until my mother explained what chitlins are. In one case she said pig intestines, I knew that I was never going to be a chitlin advocate.

Chitlins: A brief history lesson on their culture significance

image by pxfuel

Although most people acquaintance chitlins with African-Americans, people all over the world have eaten animal innards for centuries. Classic ethnic dishes such as Menudo (a Mexican stew) and Haggis (a Scottish dish banned in the U.South. since 1971) include fauna entrails. How did chitlins become continued with African-Americans? Well…there was a peculiar institution called "Slavery". Yes, that "Slavery". In the United States, slaves were not given select cuts of meat such equally tenderloin, baby back ribs, and the Boston barrel. Have you heard of the phrase, "High on the sus scrofa?" The colloquial phrase has its origins in the location of these fancy cuts of meat towards the dorsum (spine) of the pig. The meat that sustained "slaves" came from lower, lesser cuts such as entrails (ie chitlins and hog maws), squealer's feet, and pork belly. People often cite the transformation of these undesirable pig parts into delicacies as a testament to the culinary ingenuity that occurred in the kitchens of slaves.

The chitlin excursion

Nonetheless, the association of Caitlin'southward with African-Americans grew after slavery ended. For instance, during the era of Jim Crow, the collection of auditoriums and theaters that allowed Black performers was affectionately called the 'chitlin excursion.' As a nod to this history and their southern roots, one of my favorite raps groups, Little Blood brother, released an album in 2006 entitled, "The Chitlin' Excursion."

As an African-American, I can appreciate cooking chitlins as reverence to our history and culinary traditions. Every bit a man married to a adult female who enjoys a bowl of chitlins during the holidays, I can even respect the fact that some people just like the way they taste. For practitioners of the nose-tail philosophy, I can also respect not letting edible parts of food go to waste material. However, as a blackness, board-certified gastroenterologist, I feel like there's some pig $hit we definitely need to talk nearly.

Chitlins and health concerns

Am I advocating for an all-out ban on chitlins like the U.South. banned Haggis? No. Are chitlins salubrious? Like many condolement foods, I wouldn't phone call chitlins healthy. Are chitlins dangerous? They can be if not properly prepared.

Here are two videos about preparing chitlins. One reminds me of my grandmother. The other reminds me of gentrification.

Even so, improperly prepared chitlins provide the opportunity for feces to end up on your plate. You don't have to be a gastroenterologist to know that eating poop is bad. In the instance of poorly prepared chitlins, how bad is information technology?

Chitlins and Yersinia Enterocolitica

I first encountered Yersinia enterocolitica in real life when I was training as a gastroenterology fellow. At that fourth dimension, an African-American woman from the West Side came to the ER during the holidays with bloody diarrhea and abdominal pain. Her stool studies revealed Yersinia enterocolitica. I call back several medical students asking the patient if she lived on a farm, worked in a petting zoo, or traveled to a foreign country. I'g not certain if the students didn't know the correct question to ask or if they were uncomfortable request her if she ate some chitlins due to political correctness. For medical students reading this, asking anyone who tests positive for Yersinia enterocolitica about chitterlings or undercooked pork is 100 percent reasonable. Even so, assuming that every black person with diarrhea has Yersenia from chitlins would be egregiously inappropriate. Back to the patient, she claimed she only cleaned the chitlins without actually eating them.

After reviewing articles on Pubmed about Yersinia enterocolitica and Chitlins, I plant that both the grooming and consumption of chitlins can nowadays health hazards.

Outbreaks of Yersinia in infants exposed to chitlins


The first outbreak of Yersinia from chitlins I could find was published in 1899. In this report, 42 individuals with a mysterious gastrointestinal affliction bought chitlins from the same English butcher on the aforementioned day. They weren't the simply people who bought chitlins from that butcher on the same day. Withal, only the people who did not re-boil the chitlins later on they were originally cooked became ill. Tip #1 – reheat your chitlins earlier eating them #IJS.

Fast forward 100 years, there was an outbreak of Yersinia enterocolitica amongst Black infants in Tennessee. Researchers investigated the outbreak plant that the infants were exposed to chitlins, not through actually consuming chitlins', only through the contagion of pacifiers, babe bottles, and other items with leaner containing chitlin juices. Tip #ii Continue the babe and baby bottles out of the kitchen when prepping chitlins #IJS.

Other tips for avoiding illnesses from chitlins

Tip #4 Don't swallow chitlins. (This should take been Tip #1. A little shade goes a long way.)

Tip #five Employ vinegar during the preparation process. Although not perfect, acerb acid (agile ingredient of vinegar) may kill off Yersinia past lowering the pH of the chitlins. This whole time I thought my grandmother used vinegar for the taste.

Tip #six Cheque out these tips on the CDC's website

  • Buy already cooked or pre-cooked chitlins, when possible, considering they should be safer to handle.
  • If you will prepare raw chitlins, freeze them unless you plan to clean and cook them within ii days.
  • Thaw frozen raw chitlins in the refrigerator in a completely covered bowl or saucepan to prevent drips. Drips tin can contaminate your refrigerator and any food or containers in it. Cook raw chitlins within 2 days later on thawing them.
  • Eddy raw chitlins in water for at least 5 minutes before cleaning. This will reduce germs that may get on your hands, counter, and utensils while you are cleaning the chitlins.
  • Eddy and simmer chitlins until well cooked and tender before frying or serving. Do not taste them until they are well cooked.
  • Refrigerate or freeze leftovers inside 2 hours (or within i hour if the temperature outside is higher than 90°F).

Tip #7- Recognize that chitlins are typically loaded with salt. THIS means be careful eating them if you have table salt sensitive conditions such as high claret pressure level, cirrhosis, chronic kidney disease, or heart failure.

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